Fanfiction Meaning

David Jyrsby

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Fanfiction or  fanfic is a type of fictional story based on another work of fiction.

Fanfiction, or “fanfic,” is a thriving online phenomenon that captivates millions of enthusiasts. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the roots, evolution, and diverse genres within the fanfiction universe. From its ancient origins to the modern digital era, join us on a journey through the fascinating realm of fan-created stories.

Fanfiction is a type of creative writing that is based on an existing work of fiction, such as a book, movie, or television show. Fanfiction authors typically take characters and settings from the original work and create new stories that are set in the same world.Fanfiction can be a fun way for fans to explore their favorite characters and worlds in new ways. It can also be a way for fans to share their own creativity and storytelling skills with others.


Fanmade Stories

Fanfiction, often abbreviated as “fanfic,” manifests as fictional narratives crafted by ardent fans based on existing works. These stories, birthed on the internet by passionate amateurs, extend beyond fictional settings to real-life figures like celebrities and historical personas.

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Fanfiction Categories

Category Description
Canonical Retelling the original story from a different perspective.
Slash Fiction Romantic tales featuring characters’ relationships, canonical or not.
Alternate Universe Placing characters into different settings, like high schools or workplaces.
Original Characters Introducing new characters into established worlds, including self-insert narratives.
Crossover Fics Merging characters from unrelated franchises, often driven by fan “ships.”

The length of these narratives varies widely, from bite-sized paragraphs to epics rivaling entire novel series. Fanfiction seamlessly integrates existing story elements, including settings, characters, and writing styles.

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The History of Fanfiction

History of Fanfiction
History of Fanfiction

Origins in the Late 1800s

In the late 1800s, author Anna M. Richards pioneered modern fanfiction with “A New Alice in the Old Wonderland,” based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. This marked the genesis of weaving new tales within established fictional worlds. As the 1900s unfolded, fanfiction continued to evolve, finding its place among fans of Star Trek, Star Wars, and other beloved series.

Rise of Internet Age

The advent of the internet revolutionized fanfiction. No longer confined to print, fans could freely share their creations online. The 1990s witnessed the Harry Potter phenomenon, empowering fans to extend the magical world of Hogwarts through digital platforms.

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Differences Between Original Fiction and Fanfiction

Fanfiction takes root in existing fictional landscapes, utilizing characters, settings, and plotlines laid out by original authors. It’s a dynamic canvas where writers reimagine, reinterpret, and extend the narrative boundaries set by the source material.

 Fanfiction Timeline

Year Milestone
1895 A New Alice in the Old Wonderland by Anna M. Richards.
1960s Star Trek fan community pioneers fanzines, sharing amateur works.
1990s The rise of the World Wide Web facilitates fanfiction websites. Harry Potter fandom becomes a cornerstone of fan creativity.

Types of Fanfiction

As fanfiction blossomed into a literary genre, distinct subgenres emerged to cater to diverse tastes. Let’s delve into some common types prevalent in fan communities.

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Subgenres of Fanfiction

Subgenre Description
Slash Fiction Romantic tales featuring characters’ relationships, canonical or not.
Alternate Universe Placing characters into different settings, like high schools or workplaces.
Original Characters Introducing new characters into established worlds, including self-insert narratives.
Canon Fics Staying close to the original story’s plot, sometimes exploring alternate choices (canon divergence).
Crossover Fics Merging characters from unrelated franchises, often driven by fan “ships.”

The Rise of Fanfiction

In the digital age, fanfiction has become a norm, with dedicated platforms like Wattpad, Archive of Our Own, and hosting millions of stories. Virtually every media property, from books to movies, has a thriving fan community producing fanfiction.

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Popular Fanfiction Platforms

Platform Monthly Users (Millions) Notable Features
Wattpad XX Interactive storytelling and multimedia integration.
Archive of Our Own (AO3) XX Tagging system for precise story categorization and search. XX Long-standing platform with a vast library, diverse genres.

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Some fanfiction stories have transcended digital realms, evolving into multi-million dollar media franchises. A prime example is “Fifty Shades of Grey,” originally Twilight fanfiction. Many established authors admit their roots in fanfiction before transitioning to original works.

Challenges of writing fanfiction

There are a number of challenges that can be faced when writing fanfiction. These include:

  • Finding the right balance between originality and staying true to the original work
  • Creating characters and plots that are engaging and believable
  • Writing dialogue that sounds natural and believable
  • Editing and proofreading your work to ensure that it is free of errors

Despite these challenges, writing fanfiction can be a rewarding experience. It can be a way to connect with other fans of a particular work, to explore your creativity, and to improve your writing skills.

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The best practices for writing fanfiction

Here are some tips for writing fanfiction that will help you create a well-written and engaging story:

  • **Do your research.** Before you start writing, make sure you have a good understanding of the source material. This means reading the original story or watching the movie or TV show that the fanfiction is based on.
  • **Develop your own characters.** While it’s okay to use characters from the original story, you should also create your own characters that add to the story. These characters should be well-developed and have their own unique personalities.
  • **Create a compelling plot.** The plot of your fanfiction should be interesting and engaging. It should have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
  • **Write with strong prose.** Your writing should be clear, concise, and engaging. Use vivid imagery and descriptive language to bring your story to life.
  • **Edit your work carefully.** Before you publish your fanfiction, make sure you proofread it carefully and correct any errors.